Data Scientist, Chemical Engineer
I’m actively exploring opportunities to re-enter the workforce after establishing my family and possess a broad and deep set of technical, data, and engineering skills.
My specific areas of interest and passion include research & development, innovation, and problem-solving at scale. I’m excited to explore opportunities aligning with these areas of professional growth.
On my site, you will find more detailed information about my education, background and work experience along with a few case studies showcasing my skills within the data analytics and data science field.
My Skills
Below is a breakdown of my skills in both data science and engineering.
Languages: Spreadsheets/Excel, SQL, Python, R, C++, C, Perl, FORTRAN 90
Data: Analysis, Cleaning, Data-driven decision making
Data Visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, Dash, ggplot, Tableau
Data Modeling: Pandas, Numpy, ScikitLearn
Software and Tools: Microsoft Office, Git, JupyterNotebooks, BigQuery, MATLAB, LaTex, Maple, CFDRC
OS: Linux/Unix, MacOS, Windows
Quantum Chemistry Software: Gaussian, Spartan, Jaguar, QChem, GAMESS, Tinker
02/2024: Google Data Analytics Certificate/ Grow with Google, Coursera
06/2023: IBM Data Science Professional Certificate/ IBM Training, Coursera
12/2005: Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering / Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, GPA: 3.77/4.00
05/2000: Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering / The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), GPA: 4.85/5.00
Work Experience
Research Experience
Khan, S. S., Broadbelt, L. J., Automated Mechanism Generation. Part 2: Application to Atmospheric Chemistry of Alkanes and Oxygenates, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 63(2), 157-186 (2009).
Khan, S. S., Zhang, Q. Z., Broadbelt, L. J., Automated Mechanism Generation. Part 1: Mechanism Development and Rate Constant Estimation for VOC Chemistry in the Atmosphere, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 63(2), 125-156 (2009).
Khan, S. S., Yu, X., Wade, J. R., Malmgren, D., Broadbelt, L. J., Thermochemistry of Radicals and Molecules Relevant to Atmospheric Chemistry: Determination of Group Additivity Values using G3//B3LYP Theory, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 113, 5176-5194 (2009).
Khan, S. S., Broadbelt, L. J., A Group Additivity Approach for the Prediction of Wavelength-Dependent Absorption Cross-Sections, Atmospheric Environment, 38, 1015-1022 (2004)
Kruse, T., Woo, O. S., Wong, H.-W., Khan, S. S., and Broadbelt, L.J., Mechanistic Modeling of Polymer Degradation: A Comprehensive Study of Polystyrene, Macromolecules, 35(20), 7830-7844 (2002)
Loukeris, C., Khan, S. S., and Takoudis, C. G., Apriori Process Property Relationships of GaN Epitaxial Growth in Ga/N/H/C/O Systems, MRS Symposium Series, 693, 99-104 (2002)
Loukeris, C., Khan, S. S., and Takoudis, C. G., Apriori Process-Property Relationships of Gallium Nitride Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition, Proceedings of Third Scientific Conference in Chemical Engineering, Athens, Greece, 341-344 (2001)
Khan, S. S., Broadbelt, L. J., Engineering environmentally benign solvent systems: Mechanistic models of ozone formation in the troposphere, AIChE Annual Meeting, November 2004, Austin, TX
Khan, S. S., Zhang, Q., Malmgren, R. D., Wade, J., Broadbelt, L. J., Engineering environmentally benign solvent systems: Mechanistic models of ozone formation in the troposphere, AIChE Annual Meeting, November 2003, San Francisco, CA
Khan, S. S., Zhang, Q., Broadbelt, L. J., Invited presentation, Automated mechanism generation applied to atmospheric chemistry of volatile organic compounds, 225th ACS National Meeting, March 2003, New Orleans, LA
Khan, S. S., Zhang, Q., Broadbelt, L. J., Mechanistic modeling and rate constant estimation of VOC chemistry in the atmosphere, AIChE Annual Meeting, November 2002, Indianapolis, IN
Khan, S. S., Zhang, Q., Broadbelt, L. J., Engineering environmentally benign solvent systems: Mechanistic models of ozone formation in the troposphere, Chemical and Biological Engineering Departmental Retreat, September 2003, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL
Khan, S. S., Zhang, Q., Broadbelt, L. J., Modeling of ozone formation potentials of volatile organic compounds, AIChE Local Chapter Poster Competition, April 2003, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL
Khan, S. S., Zhang, Q., Broadbelt, L. J., Computational chemistry and mechanistic modeling of atmospheric chemistry of volatile organic compounds, Spring Symposium on Computational Science & Engineering, April 2003, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL